Los Herederos (the inheritors) is a media-arts non-profit organization dedicated to inheriting culture in the digital age.

Los Herederos (the inheritors) is a grassroots media-arts non-profit organization
dedicated to inheriting culture in the digital age. We engage in research-based documentation for public consumption to produce projects, programs and services that address the realities of local culture, evolving communities, and an increasingly diasporadical immigrant experience. We believe in the power and complexity of transmedia storytelling to educate and encourage a more culturally aware, equitable and sustainable society.

Founded in 2015 by a cohort of documentarians, media artists and folklorists, Los
Herederos’ platform provides a unique link between artist, citizen, public, education and history. We adapt our artist-driven projects and archives to reflect the transformative nature of community and tradition. Central to our creative strategy is our interdisciplinary approach to ethnography. Our ethnographic practice is both observant of our surroundings and reflective of our own experiences as NYC natives and immigrant artists. As inheritors of the City, we look to capture the magic of the everyday to build infrastructure in our communities and name our stake in their cultural futures.