Los Herederos (the inheritors) is a media-arts non-profit organization dedicated to inheriting culture in the digital age.

Founding Statement

Founded in 2015 by Naomi Sturm, Mauricio Bayona, Camilo Correa and Diana Bejarano, Los Herederos combines an interdisciplinary approach to documentary storytelling with digital/multimedia resources to amplify the voices of a new wave of New York City-based heritage bearers finding their roots in the traditions of their ancestors. Los Herederos’ projects capture, through transmedia storytelling, what it truly means to be an inheritor of tradition within today’s ethnic subcultures.

We pledge to support positive cultural trends by making the best possible graphic, written, video and audio representations. Moreover, we adapt our artist-driven projects and archives, to reflect the evolving nature of community and tradition, while providing momentary snapshots of a unique moment in New York City’s cultural history. Los Herederos acts as a platform for contemporary heritage projects that connect or reconnect young immigrants and their contemporary New York City communities with the folklore and traditions of their homelands, from which many have found themselves disconnected. Our platform uniquely provides a link between artist, citizen, public, education and history.